The lysosome is the organnele that takes on the thougest jobs- tasks that no one wants and, no one else can do,As the cells waste mangers we take bad cells and turn there lifes around into good cells. No other cell can do this As president Saftey Is My number one priority which is good that we are the cells efence leaders taking Pathogens that are damaging the cells snd stop them in there tracks. I am the only candadit that can truly keep the cell safe As president the cell will always stay safe. On top of that I am the most efficient organalle and I plan or running the cell with the same strategies other organnels are inffuicent and waste energy while I get things done. While I am only 5 percent of the cells volume I am able to keep it 100 percent clean Imagine all the other prossibilitys If I was president. And finally I am prepared to handle any situation thrown at the cell with tools in my chest I can handle anything even if its total cell failure.
So, if you want a safe, efficient, and resilient cell, vote for the lysosome.
Because When the lysome Leads the cell Succeds.
The lysosome is the key to every other organalles successes, by providing a clean and safe work space it allows for every other organnele to work at its true potential on top of that We are a key aide in helping repair other cells, when the mitochondria isnt working we use mitophagy, where damaged mitochondria are broken down and recycled to maintain cellular health. Then when things break down in the ER and inifective protiens or lipids are produce the lysosome steps in and removes them to insure only the highest quality is ever producend in the cell. With out the lysosome the cell just doesnt work!
Huge Build up Of cellulure waste
-Without the lysosome, waste and damaged parts would accumulate, disrupting the cell’s functionality.
Mitochondria Dysfunction
-Damaged mitochondria wouldn’t be removed, leading to energy production failure.
Cellulure Damage
-he buildup of defective components would lead to widespread cell damage.
No recycling
-Vital resources wouldn’t be recycled, causing a shortage of essential materials.
Organells not function
-Other organelles would be unable to perform their jobs efficiently.
Huge risk of disease
-The cell would be vulnerable to infections and harmful pathogens.
Cell death!
- Ultimately, the cell would die without a functioning lysosome.